Thursday, May 14, 2009

LA cabeza de pescado.

Cuando vi esto por primera vez, hace varios años ya, me pregunté si fue a propósito de éste clip que se inventó la frase "cabezas de pescado" como adjetivo.

Un día apareció en MTV clásico (cuando MTV era la raja, no como ahora) y nunca me pude recuperar.

Y segun leí, this video was named as one of the top 100 videos of all time by Rolling Stone magazine.

Y de bonus track, le lleva la letra, por si quiere cantarla o hacer karaoke.

Una joya del harte contemporáneo.

Fish heads fish heads
Roly poly fish heads
fish heads fish heads
eat them up, yum!
Ask a fish head anything you want to
they wont answer they cant talk.

I took a fish head out to see a mooovie
didnt have to pay to get it in.

They don't play baseball
they don't wear sweaters
they're not good dancers
They dont play drums!!

Rolypoly fishheads are never seen drinking capachino in Italian restaurants
with oriental women!!!!!
Fish heads fish heads
roly poly fish heads
fish heads fish heads
eat them up Yum!

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